Sunday 23 September 2012

Yosemite Decimal: Chapter 2 - Teaser

Having computer issues at the moment so posting this from my phone...fingers crossed it works! Enjoy!

MagTwi x

As the bartender takes my empty glass in front of me, a man's right hand rests on the bar, just next to my own. The hand is large and strong, with smooth skin, long fingers, and neat, short fingernails. The hand is joined to a well-defined forearm, veins wrapping around like bracelets and tendons visible under the skin.

I can feel his body heat—he's standing so close. The arm looks familiar, but given the close proximity of the stranger, I don't think I could move to see the owner's face, even if I had wanted to.

His thumb barely brushes my pinky finger, and his breath fans across my bare right shoulder. Goosebumps build from between my shoulder blades, rise up my spine, and branch outward across my neck and then my scalp. I inhale deeply as I consciously remind myself to breathe, and my senses are assaulted by the fresh smell of spice, scotch, and man.

He speaks.

"Two, Raoul." His voice is low and smooth. I daren't turn around. The subtle touch and very closeness of this man makes me feel alive.

Raoul nods in acknowledgement, pouring the shots and placing two lime wedges in front of me. I'm still locked in place.

Long, slender fingers gently take hold of my right wrist, raising it to the height of my shoulder. From the corner of my vision, blurred by the closeness, I see wet, rosy lips above a strong jaw, softly dusted with just the right amount of scruff. The lips gently kiss the inside of my right wrist, tongue gently caressing the blue-tinted veins there for the briefest of moments before salt is sprinkled. I close my eyes.

My heart flutters. I whimper.

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